The Vanguard Group

We offer six Vanguard index funds. The Vanguard funds are a low cost option for investing in foreign markets.

One of the world's leading index fund companies

  • One of the world's leading index fund companies

  • Vanguard is the largest investment fund management company in the United States, where it stands apart as a result of its unique structure, low cost and clearly defined investment approach

  • While the cost of investment funds in the United States has been rising, Vanguard's costs have been steadily falling.

  • The Vanguard funds are mutual funds that have notified marketing in Iceland in accordance with Article 103 Act of No. 116/2021 on Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS).

Vanguard Indexed Funds

We offer six Vanguard Indexed Funds: Five Equity Funds and one Fixed Income Fund.

Vanguard Global Stock Index Fund

Vanguard European Stock Index Fund

Vanguard U.S. 500 Stock Index Fund

The Fund seeks to track the performance of the MSCI World Index (the "Index")

The Fund seeks to track the performance of the MSCI Europe Index (the "Index")

The Fund seeks to track the performance of the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (the "Index")

The Index is comprised of large and mid-sized company stocks in developed markets

The Index is comprised of large and mid-sized company stocks in developed markets in Europe

The Index is comprised of large-sized company stocks in the US

Key Investor Information

Key Investor Information

Key Investor Information





Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund

Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Index Fund

Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Fund

The Fund seeks to track the performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (the "Index")

The Fund seeks to track the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Float Adjusted Bond Index (the "Index").

The Fund seeks to track the performance of FTSE Developed All Cap Choice Index (the "Index")

The Index is comprised of large and mid-sized company stocks in emerging markets.

The Index is comprised of U.S. Treasury and US government-related securities with maturities greater than one year.

The Index excludes businesses involved in the sale of non-renewable energy, alcohol, tobacco and weapons. Businesses are also excluded if they do not comply with the basic principles of the UN Global Compact.

Key Investor Information

Key Investor Information

Key Investor Information




Further Information

  • The transaction costs for investment in Vanguard funds are 1.5% for Equity Funds and 1% for Fixed Income Funds
    See Tariff of Charges for Investment Services
  • The minimum purchase in Vanguard funds is 500 USD
  • Custody fees on equity in Vanguard funds are in accordance with the price list
  • Annual management fees are paid in accordance with the information provided in the fund prospectus
  • Commission is charged for transfers between funds
  • There is no redemption fee
  • The funds are listed in Ireland
  • The Vanguard Group Inc, based in the USA, is the Investment Manager and funds are settled in US dollars
  • Dividends are reinvested in the funds
  • It is not possible to trade with the funds of our foreign partners in Íslandsbanki's online bank and therefore you cannot subscribe to their fund.


  • No taxes are paid on the funds in Ireland
  • Holdings in Vanguard funds must be declared in Iceland
  • Capital gains tax is calculated from realised foreign exchange gains

Contact us

Íslandsbanki has decades of experience in securities trading in foreign markets and is in co-operation with the world's largest asset management companies.

Commercial orders must be received by the Bank's Securities and Pension Services via the e - mail address or by calling 440-4000.

Any customer intending to trade in foreign funds must have a holding account with the bank. The customer must also have a currency account in the same currency as the fund's registration currency.

If you do not already have a holding account then click here to open one within minutes

If you do not already have a currency account then click here to open one within minutes

Trading instructions on foreign funds should state the purchase amount in foreign currency.


General disclaimer regarding investment in funds

Investments in financial instruments always entail financial risks, such as the risk of little or no return or total loss of capital. Past performance is neither an indication nor a guarantee of future returns. Risk increases if the investment is financed by credit and returns can increase or decrease due to exchange rate volatility if assets are in foreign currency. Taxation of funds is assessed on an individual basis in accordance with current legislation and is subject to change.

Investors are advised to familiarise themselves with the available information on funds, including key information on risk factors, investment authorisations and the use of derivatives. Non-UCITs funds have broader investment authorisations than UCITs and can therefore entail more risk. Information on the funds is obtained from The Vanguard Asset Management Limited, which is the funds’ management company.

Information on this site is intended for information purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or advice on the purchase, sale or other allocation of certain financial instruments. The source of this information is considered reliable, but the accuracy or validity of the information cannot be guaranteed. The bank reserves the right to make changes to this information at any given time.

Exchange rate developments and returns

A fund management fee is included in the daily calculation of each fund’s exchange rate. Return for 12-month periods or longer is calculated on an annual basis. Shorter periods are not calculated on an annual basis but show price change instead. Return is based on the latest price listed and portrayed in the base currency of each fund.